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Company Profile

S.B.L.G. Power Systems was started a decade back when there was a great rise in demand of electrical products of supreme quality. Understanding market dynamics and meeting customers' expectations for quality, we started fabricating our ambit of L T Panel, P F Panel,Control Panel and Solar Structure. Being not only a manufacturing company, but also a wholesaling and service rendering entity, we are offering Transformer and Servo Earthing along with their repair and maintenance service. We are operating from Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh (India), and thinking of expansion in the nationwide. Price, Quality and Speed are three factors at our priority for winning mass praise.

Our Quality- Matchless, Superior & Investment Worthy

At S.B.L.G. Power Systems, priorities are given to such factors which give great and equal returns to both, our company and our customers and this makes the very answer for the question why quality tops our list of priorities. We use premier rated GI sheet, Wire (Havells) as major material along with many other raw materials for manufacturing P F Panel, L T Panel and Solar Structure. Our quality controllers check the working of every machine and after thorough testing, they make a mark on every piece of trust that our quality is superior, matchless and surely investment worthy.

Advanced Machines For Production

The main thing which assist us in bringing forward excellent functionality products is due to our advance & efficient molding machine, drill machine, shear cutter (LT Panel Box Cutting) and welding machine (2 types). We have invested very good amount in buying aforesaid machines of high technology.

Factors which hint why our company is the best to deal for L T Panel, P F Panel, and other products are mentioned beneath:
  • Quality- We invest in good material because only good material ensures quality production.
  • Warranty- Each of the piece we serve comes with warranty tag.
  • Price- Every product is moderate in price as we do not believe in overcharging.

Our Clients

Catering with honesty, integrity, protecting interest for the betterment of the customers, understanding every single need of clients and provide best solutions accordingly, is how we have made customers delighted and satisfied. Shri Mukhiya Ji Cold Storage Pvt. Ltd., Jashoda Pump Govt., Ansari Cold Storage And Ice Factory Private Limited, Swagat Cold Storage Pvt. Ltd. and Captain Cold Storage, are a few to name companies we are associated with. 

Key Facts Table of S.B.L.G. Power Systems:-

Nature of Business

Manufacturer, Service Provider, Wholesaler/Distributor & Supplier

Year of Establishment


Company Branches


No. of Employees


No. of Designers


No. of Production Units


Monthly Production Capacity

As per order

Production Type


Warehousing Facility



Union Bank of India

Annual Turnover

Rs. 1 Crore

Niche Market




Brand Name


Minimum Order Quantity

2 Pieces

We Want Bulk Orders of Minimum 50 Watt.